Connecting Agents Since 2012
Hire an real estate virtual assistant to help with all your admin.

Philippine Team
Circa 2023
You’re So Busy. AgentUp Can Help.
3 steps to hiring a rockstar admin assistant.
Schedule A Call
15 minutes is all it takes. Really.
Get all your questions answered about working with a virtual assistant and learn how AgentUp is in a league of it’s own when it comes to hiring your next assistant.

Portia Taylor
VP of Transactions
Based in Atlanta, GA

Review Candidates
Find the VA that matches your needs.
Review resumes and 60-second VA introductions to determine which VAs are a good match. We’ll setup interviews and guide you through the process.
Start With A Trial
Work with your VA for 30 days.
You don’t know until you know. That’s why AgentUp offers a 30-day discounted VA trial and provides US-based onboarding and support the whole time.

From $10/hour
Real Estate Assistant
Get your life and business back on track with an AgentUp VA.
Virtual Assistant Pricing
Most agents start with two hours per day and upgrade as they grow.
12-Month Term
3-Month Term (+$2/hr)
A Virtual Assistant Can Save You Over 50%
Versus hiring a full-time employee. Say goodbye to the headaches of recruitment, payroll, insurance, retirement, office space, equipment, IT, unemployment, retention, severance, compliance…
Review Ready-to-Hire Assistants
US Based Account Manager
Guided Interviews & Onboarding
Licensure Level VA Training
College Degree or Industry Experienced
DISC Personality Profiles
Verified English Proficiency
Productivity Tracking Software
100% Compliant US & Overseas Entities
Secure US Based Payment Processing
Let’s Get Started
Free VA Consultation
Discover if hiring a VA is a good fit for your real estate business.

Portia Taylor
VP of Transactions
Based in Atlanta, GA

Devon Higgins
VP of Sales
Based in Michigan
Job Well Done!
We received your inquiry about hiring a virtual assistant for your office. A member from our USA onboarding team will be in touch with you shortly.