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By working with a real estate virtual assistant, many sales agents have quickly expanded their business and increased sales.

A real estate virtual assistant handles administrative and marketing tasks, leaving the agent time to find new clients and sell more homes.

Experienced sales agents know that success comes from focusing on what they do best – prospecting for new sellers and buyers. A virtual assistant frees up time to do this, thus increasing your productivity.

So, in this post, we’ll explain how a real estate virtual assistant can help you grow your business at record speed. 

But first, let’s discuss what is a real estate virtual assistant.

Real Estate Virtual Assistants – An Overview

Real Estate Virtual Assistants - An Overview

A real estate virtual assistant (VA) is a trained professional who remotely manages your administrative and marketing tasks, providing valuable support to your real estate activities.

Real estate agents can hire virtual assistants full-time, part-time, or project-specific, tailoring their commitment to match their specific needs. 

For instance, some real estate professionals maintain an ongoing, part-time relationship with a VA, adjusting their hours as their workload fluctuates.

Bringing on a skilled VA is akin to partnering with an online personal assistant, capable of tackling time-consuming business tasks, including:

  • VAs can take the reins of your marketing campaigns, ensuring your business maintains a strong online presence
  • They excel at managing and posting content on your social media platforms, keeping your audience engaged
  • VAs can promptly respond to client inquiries, providing essential information
  • They can sift through leads to identify the most promising prospects for you to pursue
  • Your VA can efficiently handle the organization and upkeep of your client database and CRM system

More so, your VA follows your instructions, handling the daily grind of real estate sales and marketing, allowing you to focus on the critical tasks that drive revenue. 

Regular communication with your VA is seamless through email, chat, and video conferencing, making task assignments and progress tracking effortless.

Moreover, experienced virtual assistants are used to working across time zones and are fully equipped to manage a wide range of tasks remotely, even complex ones.

Overall, enlisting the services of a virtual assistant is all about boosting efficiency and effectiveness, which, in turn, translates to an improved bottom line for your real estate business.

Therefore, let’s look more closely at how a real estate virtual assistant can help you grow your business. 

Grow Your Business With a Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Working with a VA gives you the time to focus on revenue-generating work, securing clients, and maximizing business growth.

Now, let’s explore the various tasks a real estate virtual assistant can perform in more detail. 

1.  Handling Administrative Tasks

real estate virtual assistant

There’s a lot more to the real estate business than just showing houses and adding listings.

There’s all of the daily administrative minutiae to contend with, and let’s be honest, while these tasks are indispensable, they can be mind-numbingly tedious and incredibly time-consuming.

Think about this – even a part-time virtual assistant can seamlessly take charge of the following weekly tasks:

  • Accounting Duties – this includes essential functions like bookkeeping and handling bill payments
  • Document Management – your VA can efficiently keep track of contracts, agreements, and other documents, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks
  • Agent Recruitment – they can assist in the recruitment and onboarding of new agents, easing the process
  • Communications – your VA can answer emails and other communications promptly
  • Scheduling Assistance – they can lend a hand in managing your busy schedule, ensuring you stay organized

As you can see, the value of an experienced real estate virtual assistant becomes abundantly clear. They free up your time and contribute significantly to the smooth operation of your real estate business.

2. Coordinating Marketing Efforts

real estate virtual assistant

Marketing is an essential component for the growth of any real estate enterprise, but it’s no secret that it demands a substantial amount of time and effort.

By enlisting the support of a virtual assistant to oversee your marketing, you can ensure a consistent and prominent presence for your business in your local area, staying top-of-mind with potential clients.

For example, consider the diverse range of marketing tasks that a VA can carefully handle:

  • They can efficiently manage postcard campaigns, targeting specific neighborhoods to expand your reach
  • Your VA can handle sending emails and personalized notecards to nurture relationships with previous clients and your sphere of influence
  • Additionally, VAs can create engaging blog posts and content for social media and online advertising, enhancing your online visibility
  • Finally, they can track the effectiveness of all your marketing efforts, ensuring your strategies are yielding the desired results

Moreover, the right virtual assistant can also play a pivotal role in lead generation.

3. Lead Generation

In the real estate world, agents who survive and thrive understand that lead generation is the lifeblood of the industry. 

Intelligent agents employ a virtual assistant to supercharge various lead generation functions, including:

  • Phone Follow-Up – a VA can assist in qualifying both buyer and seller leads through follow-up calls
  • Prospecting and Cold Calling – VAs can handle the legwork of prospecting and making those essential cold calls
  • CRM Management – they can keep your CRM up to date and ensure note-taking for future reference
  • Lead Generation Software – VAs are adept at managing lead generation software and programs, ensuring you get the most out of them
  • Lead Tracking – they’ll diligently track and manage all active leads in your pipeline
  • Conversion Magic – perhaps most importantly, they specialize in converting leads into valuable clients

Just imagine the potential impact on your business when you have a real estate virtual assistant consistently generating 1-2 new clients each month. 

And if you want to explore this topic further, please read this post on the value of a virtual assistant to a real estate agent.  

4. Transaction Coordination

real estate virtual assistant

Real estate professionals know that a considerable chunk of the workload in any transaction comes after the ink has dried on the purchase agreement.

Rather than being tied up talking with title offices, mortgage lenders, and other parties, agents would prefer to focus their time on bringing in new clients.

And this is where a real estate virtual assistant steps in – their role is to guide the sales process smoothly to the finish line.

A VA lightens the load for agents by tackling the time-consuming tasks required to ensure that a contracted sale reaches a successful close. This includes:

  • Maintaining regular communication with the mortgage lender to ensure the closing stays on course
  • Coordinating with the home inspector, as well as sharing inspection reports
  • Addressing client questions and keeping them informed throughout the process
  • Setting up and managing land surveys
  • Resolving any issues with property appraisals
  • Staying updated with the title company’s progress and scheduling the closing date
  • Handling various other essential tasks that arise in the process

To summarize, a real estate VA can make sure the sale closes, allowing agents to focus on what they do best – building client relationships.

In case you’re wondering about prices for such services, please take a look at this article on the cost of hiring a virtual assistant.

Now that you see the value of working with a real estate virtual assistant let’s show you how to find and hire one.

Hiring a Real Estate Virtual Assistant Made Easy

real estate virtual assistant

To make hiring a real estate virtual assistant easy, you should follow these two basic steps:

1. Define Your Business Needs – start by figuring out what tasks you want your virtual assistant to handle. It’s like creating a job description for them.

2. Get in Touch with AgentUp – we’ve built a top-notch team of virtual assistants in the Philippines, specially tailored for the US real estate industry.

Our virtual assistants are well-trained and understand the sales business. Additionally, they’re fluent in English and experts at working remotely, even across different time zones. 

Let AgentUp play matchmaker and find the perfect VA who ticks all the boxes for your business.

So, why wait? Take the first step toward growing your business today!

Schedule a free consultation to learn how an AgentUp real estate virtual assistant can revolutionize the way you work.

Thank you for reading our post today. We hope you benefited from this article on growing your business at record speed with a real estate virtual assistant.

Gregory Gronbacher

Real Estate Sales Agent / Professional Blogger

Gregory is a real estate sales agent and a state-certified instructor of real estate licensing and law. Originally from New York City, he's called Grand Rapids, Michigan home since 1995.

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