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Matterport virtual tours are well-known in the real estate marketing industry. However, they are expensive, and most sales agents don’t find them worth the cost. 

For this reason, many real estate sales professionals want a quality, more affordable alternative to Matterport virtual tours.

Even though Matterport virtual tours are impressive, they are more elaborate and too expensive for most residential or commercial property sales.

So, in this post, we will explore AgentUp, the better alternative to Matterport virtual tours.

But first, let’s talk about what is a property virtual tour.

What Is a Property Virtual Tour?

Virtual house tours utilize 3D imagery and advanced editing techniques, offering potential buyers a lifelike digital experience of almost any property on various devices, such as smartphones, laptops, and more.

A virtual tour immerses buyers in a property, allowing them to envision themselves within the space.

Buyers now strongly prefer and expect these virtual tours as they streamline the process of selecting properties for in-person viewings.

Virtual tours offer numerous advantages and conveniences, including:

  • 24/7 accessibility to properties without the rush to schedule physical visits
  • The ability for sales agents to showcase a property’s finest attributes with precision
  • An expanded reach to a larger pool of potential buyers and their agents
  • Significantly fewer disruptions for sellers by reducing the need for in-person showings

Overall, real estate professionals’ growing adoption of virtual tours is due to their effectiveness in marketing properties and the fact that buyers and sellers love them. 

In fact, a survey found that nearly 50% of potential buyers would make an offer on a home based solely on a virtual tour.

For further information on the many benefits, read this article on the 11 benefits of virtual house tours in real estate.

Now that you understand the benefits of virtual tours, let’s look at why more and more real estate photographers and sales agents are looking for affordable alternatives to Matterport’s virtual tours. 

Matterport Virtual Tours and AgentUp’s Alternative

Matterport is a prominent player in the real estate marketing sector, best known for its 3D virtual tours and architectural representations of residences, businesses, retail establishments, and various commercial properties.

Matterport virtual tour

Established in 2011, Matterport offers a comprehensive array of visual marketing services for the real estate industry, which include:

  • 3D architectural renderings
  • Virtual staging
  • Floor plans
  • Single property websites
  • Real estate advertising

Primarily, Matterport serves the needs of upscale commercial and residential real estate agencies and the hospitality sector.

Headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, the company also maintains offices in San Francisco, Chicago, Kansas, London, and Singapore.

We’re comparing Matterport with AgentUp, another leading virtual tour provider and global real estate marketing company. 

AgentUp Homepage

Recently launched, AgentUp is the new sister company of PhotoUp, a leader in virtual tours and real estate marketing for over a decade. 

PhotoUp Homepage

Unlike Matterport, AgentUp is comfortable working with large and small clients, and they offer a broader range of real estate marketing and sales services.

Now that we’ve introduced these two companies let’s see how their virtual tour services compare in terms of the following:

  • Account creation & introductory pricing
  • Additional costs
  • Virtual tour quality
  • Turnaround time

1. Account Creation & Basic Pricing

To gain access to Matterport virtual tours, you must set up a monthly account. Here’s a brief overview of their pricing:

  • Free: This option comes at no cost and grants you the ability to have one active tour
  • Starter – $9.99 per month: With this package, a single user can create up to 5 virtual tours, though sharing options are limited
  • Professional – $69 per month: The Professional plan allows up to five users to generate a maximum of 25 virtual tours and offers a few sharing options
  • Professional Plus – $129 per month: This plan permits 50 active virtual tours
  • Business – $309 per month: Designed for teams, this plan enables the creation of up to 100 virtual tours and includes the Matterport 3D video camera
Matterport virtual tour

Additionally, enterprise plan options are available for those seeking more tours, though they come at an additional cost.

AgentUp, too, requires an account for service access. 

Creating an AgentUp account is quick, takes less than a minute, and is entirely free.

Creating an AgentUp account

As for pricing, here are the specifics for AgentUp’s virtual tours:

  • For just $29 per month, AgentUp offers 5 virtual tours along with 5 single property websites
  • And for $79 per month, you can get up to 50 virtual tours and 50 single property websites, all including unlimited hosting

Now, we can’t stop with just comparing the basic costs. It’s also essential to consider if there are any hidden additional expenses.

It's Time To Level-Up Your

Real Estate Marketing

Capture more leads with virtual tours and single property websites.

2. Hidden & Additional Costs

This next part of our comparison is essential. 

To use any of Matterport’s virtual tours, you must purchase a Matterport 3D camera, which isn’t cheap. 

Matterport virtual tour

Here are the camera pricing options:

  • Pro2 Basic Camera – $3,395
  • Pro3 Advanced Camera – $5995
  • Pro3 Acceleration Kit – $7,995

You’ll also need special battery packs, tripods, and other camera gear, which range from $149 to $199 each.

Matterport also has additional charges for many features of its virtual tours. One example is hotspots. Depending on the details of the hotspot, each one ranges from $25 to $79. 

Other add-on costs range from $19.00 for floor plans to $2,000 for specialized commercial virtual tours.

Fortunately, AgentUp has no hidden or special additional costs for using their virtual tours. For example, look at the following:

  • AgentUp’s virtual tour pricing is straightforward and easy to understand
  • This next consideration is crucial – there is no special, expensive camera needed
  • Tour add-ons are highly affordable

As we said in the previous section, AgentUp charges $79.00 per month for up to 50 virtual tours and 50 single property websites at any given time with unlimited hosting time.

Now, price is important, but so is quality. So, let’s compare the quality of the virtual tours offered by Matterport and AgentUp.

3. Matterport vs AgentUp – Comparing Virtual Tour Quality

A thorough review of sample virtual tours reveals that both companies excel in their craft, delivering enticing and lifelike virtual tours.

Additionally, both companies present an identical array of virtual tour features, encompassing hotspots, customizable branding alternatives, and the capacity to incorporate floor plans and other unique elements.

Furthermore, to be honest, it isn’t easy to discern any differences in the quality of Matterport’s virtual tours and AgentUp’s.

Don’t just take our word for it. Feel free to explore sample virtual tours from each provider.

4. Turnaround Time

Regarding turnaround times, there is a notable difference between our two competitors.

For instance, Matterport’s turnaround time is contingent on several factors:

  • If you don’t already own their expensive camera, you’ll need to place an order for one
  • Following that, you’ll need time to learn how to upload your video and images
  • Additionally, Matterport typically takes 24 to 48 hours to generate the virtual tour

In contrast, AgentUp’s virtual tour turnaround times are notably quicker:

  • You can easily upload your images and video from any 3D camera
  • Your virtual tour will typically be ready in around 5 minutes
  • Also, tour add-ons and additional features can be incorporated in 24 hours or less

Further, AgentUp virtual tours are easy to create. Take a look at this article on a step-by-step guide to creating a virtual house tour

All right, our assessment is nearly complete with these insights, leaving us only to analyze our findings.

5. Our Conclusion – AgentUp Is the Better Alternative to Matterport

Both Matterport and AgentUp deliver exceptional virtual tours with nearly indistinguishable quality.

Nevertheless, there are some substantial differences between these two companies and their virtual tours. For instance, take into account the following:

  • A basic Matterport virtual tour can amount to approximately $4,000 once you factor in the costs of the camera, equipment, and tour features
  • In contrast, AgentUp offers 50 virtual tours for a mere $79 per month

Additionally, AgentUp boasts a production turnaround advantage, delivering finished, high-resolution virtual tours a day or two sooner than Matterport.

Simply put, the verdict is clear: Why pay more and wait longer for similar quality virtual tours? AgentUp’s virtual tours present a hassle-free and cost-effective alternative to Matterport’s more expensive version.

It's Time To Level-Up Your

Real Estate Marketing

Capture more leads with virtual tours and single property websites.

Get Outstanding, Affordable Virtual Tours With AgentUp

Are you harnessing the potential of virtual tours, a potent tool in real estate marketing? If not, why?

With AgentUp, crafting a professional and captivating virtual tour takes just 5 minutes and is as effortless as possible:

  • There is no need for a special camera; utilize any 360 camera that captures JPEGs
  • Benefit from AI enhancements to seamlessly enhance and stitch your photo edges
  • Customize your tour with ease through simple image pinning for each scene
  • You have the control to spotlight the highlights, showcasing a home’s amenities, updates, and distinctive features
  • Our virtual tours can be white-labeled for a premium viewing experience

Moreover, you can augment your orders with additional tour features like floor plans or 3D virtual stagings.

Let AgentUp help your real estate business thrive, by providing you seamless access to our sister company’s wide range of real estate marketing services to bolster sales growth, including:

So, do yourself a favor. Take the first step toward quicker and better sales today. 

Contact AgentUp today and let us help you take your real estate marketing to the next level.

Thank you for reading. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this post, AgentUp, the better alternative to Matterport virtual tours. 

Gregory Gronbacher

Real Estate Sales Agent / Professional Blogger

Gregory is a real estate sales agent and a state-certified instructor of real estate licensing and law. Originally from New York City, he's called Grand Rapids, Michigan home since 1995.

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