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Many agents don’t know how much a transaction coordinator costs and overestimate the amount. 

There’s a false perception that transaction coordinators are expensive and, therefore, beyond the reach of many agents. 

However, transaction coordinators are not only affordable; they are an investment in business growth.

In this article, we detail how much a transaction coordinator costs.

In Real Estate Home Sales, Time Is Money

We’ve all heard the adage that time is money. But in the real estate sales profession, the adage is true. 

Because you work in real estate, you know better than most that time is a limited and precious commodity. 

Most sales agents face an almost never-ending to-do list. But ask yourself this question – which of those business activities are revenue-generating?

You know the answer if you’ve been in the business for over a few days. 

Finding and securing new buyers and sellers are the revenue-generating tasks on our to-do lists. While other activities might be necessary for your business, contracting with new clients and closing sales is the only real money-maker.

Now, ask yourself a second question – how do you find new buyers and sellers to contract with?

We can confidently reply that attending to long lists of closing details is not the answer to the above question. 

Sales agents find new clients through networking, prospecting, and being with people. 

Talking to title company staff, mortgage lenders, and home inspectors and answering hundreds of emails daily doesn’t lead to more clients and sales.

Like everyone else, your time is limited. If you want to grow your business and increase the bottom line, you must stop doing all the busy work and focus on finding buyers and sellers.

How do you do that? Hire a transaction coordinator. You know you need to, but maybe you’re worried about the costs. So, let’s examine how much it really costs to work with a transaction coordinator. 

How Much Does a Transaction Coordinator Cost?

Many companies provide virtual transaction coordination services and can pair you with your own transaction coordinator.

The costs vary, but let’s look at what AgentUp, one of the industry leaders, charges for their services.

AgentUp has spent the last ten years building highly-trained teams of virtual transaction coordinators in the US and abroad. Here is AgentUp’s pricing for such services:

Transaction Coordination – $299 per file
This includes all communication, deadline tracking, e-signatures, client updates, and scheduling.

Listing Coordination – $199 per listing
The services in this package include MLS input, lockbox setup, pre-inspections, property disclosures, scheduling showing, and more.

Marketing Coordination – $399 per listing
This includes listing photography, photo editing, a virtual house tour, virtual staging, a listing description, and much more. 

As you can see, AgentUp’s transaction coordination services are quite affordable. 

Read our real estate transaction coordinator checklist to see all the tasks a TC handles for you. 

Still not convinced? Consider this: Given the median house prices in most markets, commission checks are fairly robust. The above transaction coordinator costs are a small fraction of the overall commission amount.

Studies show that successful agents spend 20% or more of their time prospecting for new clients. Sadly, most agents don’t have that much time to prospect due to administrative and coordination efforts. 

There are many ways to succeed in our industry, but when an agent decides to hire transaction coordination services, they truly reach the next level. 

Here’s more information on what is a virtual real estate transaction coordinator

Moreover, let us share an industry secret with you. Most transaction coordinators pay for themselves within months, if not sooner. Let’s see why this is true.

Market Leading

Real Estate Virtual Assistants

Hand off your transactions, media, and marketing to a real estate VA.

How a Transaction Coordinator Pays for Themself

Working with a transaction coordinator and outsourcing these services will push your productivity into overdrive. How could it not? With a transaction coordinator, there are now four hands instead of two. 

Remember, in real estate sales, time is money. 

You could use the hours you’re saving working with a transaction coordinator to go golfing. But here’s a better idea: Use the time you’ve freed up to woo new clients and expand your professional network.

Having a transaction coordinator will allow you to concentrate on core tasks like closing deals, networking, and qualifying leads, enabling you to grow your business faster.

Focusing again on our main question, a transaction coordinator costs a small fraction of the overall commission amount. With the time you save, you can make more sales.

In fact, here are 5 ways a transaction coordinator can save you time.

Think about this for a moment. Even one more sale pays for all your transaction coordination costs with money left over. Imagine bringing in two or more sales with the time you’re saving.

A transaction coordinator will quickly pay for themself in little time. 

As we mentioned earlier, you will only achieve your income goals once you spend at least 20% of your time or more building relationships. This entails spending time with people, including old clients, friends, and contacts. 

If you’re like most agents, people skills are your forte. So, concentrate on your strengths and delegate the rest.

Finally, know this: if you’re ready to grow your real estate business, AgentUp is here to help.

Hire a Transaction Coordinator With AgentUp

AgentUp has built a highly skilled team of transaction coordinators in the US and the Philippines for the past decade. 

AgentUp's Transaction Coordinators
AgentUp’s Transaction Coordinators

We require all our TCs to undergo thorough technical training and a comprehensive 40-hour real estate fundamentals and marketing course. 

This means our virtual coordinators fully understand how real estate works in the US and how a brokerage functions. Each of our TCs is ready to hit the ground running from day one.

Are you worried about hiring an overseas worker?

First, English is one of the official languages of the Philippines, and second, its business culture is similar to our own here in the States. This means an easier and nearly seamless hiring and onboarding process.

You know that a transaction coordinator costs very little, would save you time, and help grow your business. So, take the first step to increasing your bottom line now. 

Schedule a free call today. In our conversation, we’ll discuss your business needs, answer your questions, and walk you through the hiring process, including the costs.

AgentUp for iOS

AI Real Estate Photo Editing

Try instant AI-powered photo editing with the AgentUp iOS Media App.

Trust AgentUp for All Your Marketing Needs

AgentUp does a lot more than provide transaction coordination services. We’re a leading real estate marketing company offering everything you need to market your listings and real estate services.

Explore the following, affordable tools that can help you grow your business:

Do you need to edit a few listing photos right now? The AgentUp AI Editing app lets you easily edit your real estate photos in less than 5 minutes. 

Just scan the QR code below to download the app and edit your listing photos now!

Even better, you can use your transaction coordinator to order and employ the above tools. 

Additionally, our marketing services are AI-enhanced, guaranteeing the best results.

Finally, remember, we offer a marketing coordination package that includes photography services, photo editing, virtual staging, floor plans, and more!

Before we finish this article, we have one last question: what are you waiting for?

Sign up for a free AgentUp account right now!  It takes less than a minute, and you’ll have access to the above marketing resources. 

We hope you enjoyed reading this post on how much a transaction coordinator costs. If you found this post valuable, take a look at these other related articles:

Gregory Gronbacher

Real Estate Sales Agent / Professional Blogger

Gregory is a real estate sales agent and a state-certified instructor of real estate licensing and law. Originally from New York City, he's called Grand Rapids, Michigan home since 1995.

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