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Real estate assistants are used by agents to manage social media marketing as a proven step toward business growth.

There are over a billion users on various social media apps and programs. Therefore, using social media to help market your listings and services makes sense.

So, in this article, we’ll show you how to boost your social media marketing with a real estate assistant.

Are you ready? Let’s get started.

How to Use Social Media in Real Estate Marketing

real estate assistant

Social media will play an even more significant role in real estate digital marketing heading into 2024. 

Most forms of social media are free, so there’s no downside to making these sites part of your overall marketing strategy. 

Consider the many marketing benefits of social media, such as:

  • You can easily share photos and links of the listing with current and prospective clients
  • Having a presence on social media highlights your tech skills
  • Most social media allows you to directly interact with potential buyers and sellers through chat or other messaging functions

Having a recognized social media presence is one of the better ways to frame yourself as a trusted real estate professional. 

However, there are important considerations regarding using social media for real estate marketing. Here are strategy tips for using social media effectively:

  • Be consistent – to get results, you’ll need to post at least three times a week
  • Use multiple platforms – one social media site isn’t enough; you should aim to maintain a presence on a few sites
  • Post content with value – you’ll gain readers if you’re sharing helpful information, tips, and links to valuable resources

Now that you understand the uses of social media in real estate marketing, let’s talk about how a real estate assistant can help you boost these efforts.

Using a Real Estate Assistant for Social Media Marketing

real estate assistant

In the bustling world of real estate, establishing a robust online presence is no longer optional — it’s essential. 

However, managing social media marketing can be time-consuming and demanding, often diverting focus from core responsibilities. This is where a virtual assistant for real estate can be a game-changer.

One of the primary roles of a real estate assistant is to alleviate the burden of social media management from the agent’s shoulders. 

By delegating tasks such as content creation, scheduling, and engagement to a capable assistant, agents can reclaim valuable time to focus on closing deals and providing exceptional service to their clients.

Let’s look at how a real estate assistant can effectively manage social media marketing across various platforms.

Social Media Platforms Your Real Estate Assistant Will Target

real estate assistant

1. Facebook 

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains a powerhouse for real estate marketing. 

A skilled assistant can curate engaging posts, share property listings, and interact with followers through comments and messages. 

Additionally, they can leverage Facebook’s advertising tools to target specific demographics and expand the agent’s reach.

2. Instagram

As a visually-driven platform, Instagram is ideal for showcasing stunning property photos and videos. 

A real estate assistant can craft visually appealing posts, utilize relevant hashtags to increase visibility, and engage with users through likes, comments, and direct messages. 

They can also use Instagram Stories and Reels to provide behind-the-scenes glimpses and showcase property highlights creatively.

3. LinkedIn

LinkedIn isn’t just for job seekers — it’s also a valuable platform for networking and lead generation in the real estate industry. 

A real estate assistant can optimize the agent’s LinkedIn profile, share industry insights and articles, and connect with potential clients and referral partners. 

Additionally, they can participate in relevant groups and discussions to establish the agent as a thought leader in the field.

4. X (Formerly Twitter)

With its fast-paced nature, X offers real-time engagement opportunities for real estate agents. 

A savvy assistant can monitor industry trends and conversations, share timely updates about listings and open houses, and interact with followers through retweets and replies. They can also utilize Twitter’s advertising options to promote listings to a targeted audience.

An Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy

An Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy

By entrusting social media management to an assistant, real estate agents can unlock a myriad of benefits:

1. Consistency

A dedicated assistant ensures that social media accounts are regularly updated with fresh content, maintaining a consistent online presence that resonates with the audience.

2. Efficiency and Time Savings

Delegating social media tasks frees up valuable time for agents to focus on revenue-generating activities such as prospecting, client meetings, and negotiations.

3. Scalability and Flexibility

As the agent’s business grows, a real estate assistant can adapt their social media strategies to accommodate expanding needs and objectives.

Letting a real estate assistant manage social media marketing allows agents to reap the benefits of consistent, efficient, and expertly executed social media campaigns.

With the proper support, real estate professionals can focus on what they do best — helping clients achieve their property goals — while their assistant handles the digital frontiers of social media marketing.

Now, all that remains is knowing where to find the perfect real estate assistant for your business. 

Trust AgentUp for Outstanding Virtual Real Estate Assistants

Finding the right virtual real estate assistant to manage your social media marketing doesn’t have to be complicated.

AgentUp Virtual Real Estate Assistant
AgentUp Virtual Real Estate Assistant

Let AgentUp be your ultimate matchmaker, linking you with a highly skilled and meticulously trained real estate assistant ready to handle your social media accounts.

Over the past decade, AgentUp has cultivated a proficient team of virtual assistants situated in the Philippines, specializing in the intricacies of the US real estate sector.

Why the Philippines? Filipinos are known for their robust work ethic, fluency in the English language, and familiarity with American culture.

Our virtual assistants are well-versed in administrative duties and undergo thorough training encompassing all facets of the real estate realm, including top-notch marketing strategies.

Adept at leveraging cutting-edge technology, our real estate assistants excel in bridging time zone disparities and cultural subtleties, ensuring seamless collaboration.

So, let AgentUp be the catalyst for pairing you with a real estate assistant who will increase your sales through skilled social media marketing.

Schedule a free call today. Let us pair you with the perfect virtual real estate assistant tailored to your business requirements.

During our discussion, we’ll walk you through the process, help you set up the ideal assistant for your needs, and explain the costs.

But let’s not stop there!

AgentUp – One Source for All Your Real Estate Marketing Needs

AgentUp offers a full array of powerful real estate marketing tools and solutions. We have what you need to sell listings quickly and for higher prices.

Our marketing aids are AI-enhanced for premium quality. Our turnaround times are unbeaten. 

Consider the marketing advantages of the following AgentUp tools:

So, take a moment and learn what we can do to help you make the most of your real estate marketing today and in 2024 and beyond!

Sign up for a free AgentUp account and explore all the marketing and business solutions we offer. 

 Get in touch. You’ll be glad you did. 

Thanks for reading this article. We hope it helped you better understand how to boost your social media marketing with a real estate assistant. If you enjoyed this post, take a look at these other related articles:

Gregory Gronbacher

Real Estate Sales Agent / Professional Blogger

Gregory is a real estate sales agent and a state-certified instructor of real estate licensing and law. Originally from New York City, he's called Grand Rapids, Michigan home since 1995.

Connect with Gregory