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A real estate assistant can help sales agents grow their business and even double their home sales.

Many top-selling agents leverage real estate assistants virtually to help them with marketing tasks, secure more clients, and increase their revenue.

In this post, we’ll explore in detail how a real estate assistant can help you grow your business. 

You Need a Real Estate Assistant – Really

real estate assistant

Sales agents and brokers know that real estate sales involve many time-consuming tasks, endless communications, and busy work. 

Ask any agent in the business for more than a month, and they’ll tell you how easy it is to become overwhelmed by the minutia that’s involved.

What separates successful agents from those who don’t excel is that intelligent agents understand that not all time-consuming tasks actually help sell homes or lead to business growth.

Any agent’s time is best spent finding and onboarding new clients instead of updating databases, preparing marketing campaigns, or talking through transaction details with title offices, mortgage lenders, and others. 

So, how does an agent find the time to focus on revenue-generating tasks instead of the endless smaller details?

Here’s how. Hire an assistant to handle the administrative and support details, thereby freeing up the agent to do what they do best – networking, prospecting, and signing up new buyers and sellers.

A real estate assistant will take over all time-consuming and monotonous items, such as social media posting, basic admin functions, data entry, client and market research, and schedule planning.

Therefore, the path to success starts by using a real estate assistant so you win back your time and focus on the high-impact work that brings in revenue for your real estate business.

The Benefits of a Virtual Real Estate Assistant

real estate assistant

Now, here’s a surprising piece of information. Your real estate assistant doesn’t have to work in your office. As a matter of fact, a remote virtual assistant will be more efficient and less expensive than an in-house employee. 

Using the services of a virtual assistant has become quite popular and for good reasons.

Over two-thirds of businesses have hired a virtual assistant since 2021. Here’s why:

  • Increased Productivity – a virtual worker doesn’t have to commute or deal with office distractions, and as a result, their productivity is 4.4% higher than those working in an office
  • Cost Savings – 70% of businesses experience significant cost savings and claim that this is the main reason they rely on outsourced workers
  • Time Savings – 50% of top-selling agents employ virtual assistants to free up their time for business growth activities

Additionally, virtual assistants are more flexible. You can hire one full-time, part-time, or even on a project basis. 

For example, many real estate sales agents contract with a virtual assistant on a part-time basis and add more hours when things get busier. 

Are you concerned about the cost? Check out how affordable a virtual real estate assistant can be.

The bottom line is that there are solid and clear advantages to using virtual assistants over in-house ones.

How a Real Estate Assistant Will Help You Increase Sales

A virtual real estate assistant can help you increase sales and grow your business in many ways. Here are a few of them explained in more detail.

1. Let Your Real Estate Assistant Take over Your Marketing Efforts

Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Marketing plays a crucial role in your real estate enterprise. However, it often demands significant time and effort.

Passing the day-to-day marketing responsibilities to a virtual assistant can afford you the freedom to focus on other tasks that will add clients to your sales pipeline. 

Below are just a handful of marketing duties a virtual assistant can efficiently manage:

  • Crafting buyer’s packets and compelling presentation PowerPoints
  • Coordinating and dispatching mailers to your network of contacts
  • Generating visually appealing designs for both digital and print materials
  • Scheduling and potentially crafting blog posts and social media content
  • Ensuring your website remains updated and optimizing its SEO performance
  • Designing and executing email marketing campaigns
  • Monitoring and analyzing marketing analytics

Briefly reflect on the importance of these marketing activities, and you’ll quickly recognize the invaluable contribution a real estate virtual assistant can make to your business.

2. Ongoing Administrative Support

real estate assistant

Employing a virtual assistant for daily business tasks can yield immense advantages, particularly when they possess a background in the industry.

A virtual real estate assistant proficiently oversees various administrative business responsibilities, including:

  • Data entry
  • Crafting listing presentations
  • Gathering client feedback and addressing inquiries
  • Managing fundamental bookkeeping and bill payments
  • Compiling sales and performance analyses
  • Handling contracts, agreements, and related documents
  • Facilitating the recruitment and onboarding of new agents

Think about how much more efficient you will be not having to worry about the above items. 

3. Maintaining Client Communications

real estate assistant

Additionally, there are dozens of communication tasks a real estate assistant can perform.  Here are just a few of those:

  • Responding to emails and managing inbox organization
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Performing receptionist duties like answering incoming calls
  • Recording and maintaining meeting minutes
  • Organizing your calendar
  • Assisting with personal errands such as holiday card preparation and coordinating social events

A proficient real estate virtual assistant will prove their worth and more. In fact, seasoned virtual assistants often possess insights and skills that can uncover revenue-generating prospects for your business that you may have yet to consider.

4. Real Estate Assistants and Lead Generation

Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Lastly, do not overlook the many potential uses of a virtual assistant simply because of their remote nature. For example, you’ll be amazed by the range of sales tasks they can assist you with:

  • Researching potential buyer and seller leads
  • Maintaining and updating your CRM system with detailed notes on leads
  • Engaging in prospecting and cold-calling activities
  • Ensuring timely follow-ups with leads
  • Arranging appointments and coordinating property showings
  • Providing regular progress updates to sellers

The scope of sales support tasks that an adept real estate virtual assistant can tackle is virtually limitless!

If you’d like to know other ways a real estate assistant can add value, go ahead and dig a little deeper. Check out PhotoUp’s blog post about the value of a virtual assistant to a real estate agent.

How to Hire a Real Estate Assistant (2 Simple Steps)

By now, you see the advantages of working with an assistant. So, you’re probably wondering how do you hire one.

All it takes is two easy steps.

Hiring a Real Estate Assistant – Step 1

Real Estate Assistant

The crucial factor in successfully hiring a virtual real estate assistant lies in clearly defining the tasks and desired outcomes.

Therefore, before starting the process of vetting possible assistants, it is essential first to organize your requirements to establish clear expectations.

First, streamline your business system and processes, pinpointing key obstacles and identifying tasks and outcomes essential for enhancing efficiency and increasing deals.

Second, draft a comprehensive job description delineating specific duties, tasks, and success indicators aligned with the outcomes outlined earlier.

Lastly, begin to look for an assistant who will match your needs. But where to search? That’s where step 2 comes into play. 

Hiring a Real Estate Assistant – Step 2

Let AgentUp introduce you to a skilled and expertly trained real estate assistant who can relieve you of the mundane tasks of the business.

Over the past decade, AgentUp has cultivated a proficient team of virtual assistants based in the Philippines, specializing in the US real estate sector.

AgentUp Real Estate Virtual Assistants
AgentUp Real Estate Virtual Assistants

Our virtual assistants are not only adept at administrative duties but also possess practical experience and thorough training in all aspects of the real estate business, including marketing.

Fluent in English and experienced at navigating time zone disparities and cultural nuances, our real estate assistants are ready on day one to increase your efficiency.

So, why not take the first step on the journey towards a more efficient, less stressful, and ultimately more prosperous real estate career?

Schedule a free consultation to learn more about AgentUp’s virtual assistants and how they can help grow your business. 

We appreciate you taking the time to read our post today. 

Hopefully, this article helped you see how you can double home sales with a real estate assistant.

Gregory Gronbacher

Real Estate Sales Agent / Professional Blogger

Gregory is a real estate sales agent and a state-certified instructor of real estate licensing and law. Originally from New York City, he's called Grand Rapids, Michigan home since 1995.

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