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Are you wondering what it’s like working with a virtual real estate assistant? Then this article is for you!

Almost every real estate sales professional quickly discovers the same thing about their business – there is too much to do and too little time to do it. 

More and more sales agents are hiring virtual real estate assistants, either full-time or part-time, to free up their time to focus on revenue-generating tasks.

In this article, I share my experience working with a virtual real estate assistant and a few tips on how to work with one effectively. 

So, let’s get right to it!

My Experience Working With a Virtual Real Estate Assistant

My real estate sales business was going strong a couple of years ago. So strong that I realized I needed help keeping track of everything while meeting deadlines.

A couple of business friends had been working with real estate assistants, so I spoke with them. They shared their experiences and convinced me to give it a try.

The Advantages of Working With Filipino Virtual Real Estate Assistants

Within a week, I worked with Jamie, a virtual real estate assistant (VA) from the Phillippines. 

Let me note that hiring virtual workers from the Phillippines has definite and strong advantages.

First, Filipino culture is very similar to American culture, so Jamie totally understood how the US real estate business works.

Second, her English was flawless. English is one of two official languages in the Philippines. Jamie was fluent and with hardly any trace of an accent.

Third, the Philippines is 13 hours different from Eastern Time in the US. This meant I would email her a list of tasks at the end of my work day, and she had them all done by the time I sat in front of my computer the following day.

Fourth and finally, the tech infrastructure in the Phillippines is more advanced than that of many of their Asian neighbors, making our virtual work seamless, fast, and easy.

Easy Onboarding and Integration

Jamie was up and running much quicker than I thought. On the first day, I shared access information to my work email, website back-end, and social media accounts. 

The next day, she organized my email inbox, set up filters, and freed me up to only receive and answer client emails. She took care of the rest. That alone saved me an hour or more each day.

By the start of the second week, she was making regular marketing posts on my various social media accounts. I initially showed her the sorts of posts and articles I wanted to share. 

It took her a couple of posts to get the tone of my marketing right, but by the end of the week, the posts were exactly what I wanted. 

The week after, I had her try writing a few real estate-related blog posts. Once again, the results were excellent. Jamie was able to write blog posts that only required minor editing from me. 

She posted relevant, even local, real estate-related material. After a month, I started joking that she knew my local real estate market better than I did.

Other real estate professionals I regularly interacted with assumed she was working out of my local office. Additionally, I routinely received compliments on her efficiency and pleasant manner.

What Were the Benefits of Working With a Real Estate Assistant?

By the end of the first month with Jamie, I realized I had more time to network with and prospect for new clients.  I also realized that my marketing efforts were the best they had been in years. 

Consistent, quality marketing, especially on social media, is a real advantage. Jamie also took over my CRM system, cleaned it up, and set up drip marketing campaigns. 

Over the next several months, Jamie organized my real estate sales business and left me with hours each week to reach out to clients and promote my services personally. That year, I had three more closed sales than my usual average. 

Do you know what was even better than seeing my business grow? I had peace of mind knowing that the routine but important ongoing tasks of my real estate business were in capable hands. 

Jamie eventually took a different job, and my real estate activities shifted from sales to real estate education. But if things change, I’ll hire a virtual real estate assistant again right away.

If you’d like to learn more, here are further details on what a virtual real estate assistant can do for your business.

Now, let me share some tips I learned working with Jamie on how to make the most of having a virtual assistant. 

Tips for Working With a Real Estate Assistant

My experience working with a real estate assistant was extremely positive. There are almost no reasons not to hire a virtual assistant, in my opinion.

Looking back on my time working with Jamie, here are a few tips for how to best work with a virtual real estate assistant:

  • Communicate clearly – your assignments should be clearly and thoroughly communicated.
  • Communicate regularly – have daily or weekly conference times via Zoom,  FaceTime, video conference, or email.
  • Give as much detail as possible – don’t be afraid to be as specific and detailed as possible with your instructions; your VA will appreciate it.
  • Review work regularly and give feedback -this will help your VA quickly learn your style, business needs, and job details.
  • Don’t micromanage – a skilled VA doesn’t need you looking over their virtual shoulder – give them room to do their job.

Hiring a real estate assistant is the same as hiring an excellent in-office employee – it can sometimes take time for the new hire to learn the ropes.  Don’t give up if that doesn’t happen in the first couple of weeks.

Here’s more information on how to hire a virtual real estate assistant.

Try out a Virtual Real Estate Assistant With AgentUp

Think about it. A virtual real estate assistant could save you 10 to 20 hours weekly. That’s significant time you can use to grow your business or even spend more time doing what you love.

Finding the right virtual real estate assistant doesn’t have to be difficult.

Let AgentUp act as your matchmaker, connecting you with a highly skilled and expertly trained real estate assistant ready to tackle the mundane tasks of your business.

For the past decade, AgentUp has developed a proficient team of virtual assistants based in the Philippines, specializing in the US real estate sector. 

AgentUp Real Estate Virtual Assistants
AgentUp Real Estate Virtual Assistants

Proficient in English and comfortable with cutting-edge technology, our real estate assistants excel in navigating time zone differences and cultural nuances, ensuring seamless collaboration from day one.

Why not let AgentUp help you take a step towards a more efficient, less stressful, and ultimately more prosperous real estate career?

Schedule a free call today. Let us pair you with the ideal virtual real estate assistant tailored to your specific business needs.

During our conversation, we’ll explain how the process works, how to set up the right TA for you, and the costs.  We don’t believe in sales gimmicks and won’t pressure you, either.

So, take the first step toward business growth today.

Sign up for a free AgentUp account and explore all the marketing and business solutions we offer. 

 Get in touch. You’ll be glad you did. 

Thanks for reading this article. We hope it helped you better understand what it’s like working with a real estate assistant. If you enjoyed this post, take a look at these other related articles:

Gregory Gronbacher

Real Estate Sales Agent / Professional Blogger

Gregory is a real estate sales agent and a state-certified instructor of real estate licensing and law. Originally from New York City, he's called Grand Rapids, Michigan home since 1995.

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